Ark IPv6 Topology Dataset

The IPv6 Topology Dataset contains information useful for studying the IP- and AS-topology of the IPv6 Internet. The focus of this measurement is on discovering topology and not on finding responding destinations. A globally distributed set of Archipelago (Ark) monitors has continuously collected this data since December 12, 2008.

We use scamper to perform ICMP-based traceroutes using the Paris traceroute technique. For each probed path, we collect the IP address, RTT, reply TTL, and ICMP responses for all hops, including intermediate hops.

Each Ark monitor probes all announced IPv6 prefixes (/48 or shorter) once every 24 hours. One probing pass through all announced prefixes is called a cycle. In each cycle, a monitor probes a single random destination in each prefix as well as the ::1 of the prefix. Different monitors probe prefixes in independently-chosen random orders and probe to an independently-chosen random destination in each prefix.

For more information on deployed Ark monitors visit Ark monitors interactive map.

Data availability

The IPv6 Ark topology data are available as a public dataset since February 2014.

Acceptable Use Agreement

Please read the terms of the CAIDA Acceptable Use Agreement (AUA) for Publicy Accessible Datasets below:

When referencing this data (as required by the AUA), please use:

The CAIDA UCSD IPv6 Topology Dataset - <dates used>,
You are required to report your publications using this dataset to CAIDA.

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Topology Datasets


For more information on CAIDA topology measurements, see:

For more information on topology measurements in general see:

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