CoralReef Resources
Mailing List
The coral-dev mailing list is devoted to the discussion of CoralReef. Topics including packet capture hardware, software and analysis scripts, and the possibility of new tools.Further Reading
- White paper: The CoralReef Software Suite as a Tool for System and Network Administrators. (2001-11-20) [postscript] [pdf]
- White paper: The architecture of the CoralReef Internet Traffic monitoring software suite (2001-04-24)
- Putting the Coral Reef Software Suite to work (1999-01-18)
- The Coral Reef Software Suite (1998-09-22)
- Introduction to the CoralReef Software Suite(1998-08)
Other projects related to CoralReef
- NLANR MOAT's Coral-Tools (the precursor to CAIDA's CoralReef; now defunct)
- University of Waikato's Applied Network Dynamics (WAND)
- NeTraMet network traffic flow measurement tool
Teaching efforts using the CoralReef Software Suite
- Advanced Communications and Network Systems, Tony McGregor, Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato, New Zealand.