Workshop Name | Start Date | End Date | Workshop Series | Summary |
DUST: 3rd International Workshop on Darkspace and UnSolicited Traffic Analysis | July 13, 2021Jul 13, 2021 | July 14, 2021Jul 14, 2021 | DUST | The goal of the DUST workshop series is to bring together researchers, operators, and analysts interested in unsolicited traffic analysis, especially traffic destined to unassigned (dark) IP address space. In this workshop we discussed the STARDUST project, potential future use and evolution of the STARDUST architecture and tools, as well as research and other infrastructure related to unsolicited Internet traffic. |
WOMBIR-2: 2nd NSF Workshop on Overcoming Measurement Barriers to Internet Research | March 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021 | March 20, 2021Mar 20, 2021 | WOMBIR | The goals of this workshop are to identify critical research questions that warrant a call for network measurement (broadly defined), identify barriers and facilitators of that research, and discuss how research results can have impact beyond the research community. This workshop is a follow-up to the WOMBIR 2021 workshop in January. Our goal is to provide recommendations to NSF that can help overcome barriers related to measurement of Internet infrastructure. The first workshop had broad topics based on submitted white papers. In this second workshop we will go deeper into specific subjects, and generate text on those subjects that will contribute to the final report. |
WOMBIR: NSF Workshop on Overcoming Measurement Barriers to Internet Research | January 11, 2021Jan 11, 2021 | January 12, 2021Jan 12, 2021 | WOMBIR | The goals of this workshop are to identify critical research questions that warrant a call for network measurement (broadly defined), identify barriers and facilitators of that research, and discuss how research results can have impact beyond the research community. |
WIE 2020: The 11th Workshop on Internet Economics | December 16, 2020Dec 16, 2020 | December 17, 2020Dec 17, 2020 | WIE | This workshop focused on those users of CAIDA data that have explicitly tried to conduct economics or policy research with the data. |
AIMS-KISMET 2020: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements: Knowledge of Internet Structure: Measurement, Epistemology, and Technology | February 26, 2020Feb 26, 2020 | February 28, 2020Feb 28, 2020 | AIMS / KISMET | We are posing some possible scenarios for the future of the Internet, and we will ask attendees to break into smaller groups to discuss these scenarios. Some scenarios might change security properties of the Internet, others relate to more general trends for the future of the Internet. How might these trends might lead to a more secure future? |
WIE-KISMET 2019: Workshop on Internet Economics: Knowledge of Internet Structure: Measurement, Epistemology, and Technology | December 9, 2019Dec 9, 2019 | December 11, 2019Dec 11, 2019 | WIE / KISMET | Initial topics:
DUST: 2nd International Workshop on Darkspace and UnSolicited Traffic Analysis | September 9, 2019Sep 9, 2019 | September 10, 2019Sep 10, 2019 | DUST | The goal of the DUST workshop series is to bring together researchers, operators, and analysts interested in unsolicited traffic analysis, especially traffic destined to unassigned (dark) IP address space. In this workshop we will introduce the STARDUST project and the developing state of the STARDUST architecture, as well as discuss future directions in consideration of the needs and requirements for prospective users. |
AIMS 2019: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | April 16, 2019Apr 16, 2019 | April 17, 2019Apr 17, 2019 | AIMS | CAIDA hosts annual Active Internet Measurement Systems (AIMS) workshops to promote discussion between academics, industry, policymakers, and funding agencies on active Internet measurement, exchange of research ideas and questions that have been answered, or could be answered, with proposed measurement infrastructures. This year we will not limit talks to active measurements, e.g., I am interested in exploring with folks what can be done with passive measurements from the home to help inform questions like “how much traffic goes further than one AS hop away?”, and “what measurements should be sustained over time for research and informing-policy purposes?”. |
WIE 2018: 9th Workshop on Internet Economics | December 4, 2018Dec 4, 2018 | December 7, 2018Dec 7, 2018 | WIE | The goal of this workshop series is to provide a forum for researchers, commercial Internet facilities and service providers, technologists, economists, theorists, policy makers, and other stakeholders to empirically inform emerging Internet regulatory and policy debates. This year’s focus is the measurement and analysis of progress toward a given Internet policy goal. |
IMAPS 2018: Internet Measurement And Political Science Workshop | September 5, 2018Sep 5, 2018 | September 7, 2018Sep 7, 2018 | IMAPS | A workshop on interdisciplinary research of political events that affect the Internet and/or are partially visible through analysis of Internet measurement data. |
AIMS 2018: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | March 13, 2018Mar 13, 2018 | March 15, 2018Mar 15, 2018 | AIMS | For this AIMS, the focus of the workshop again will be on interaction and coordination between different existing measurement infrastructures. Topics of interest:
WIE 2017: 8th Workshop on Internet Economics | December 13, 2017Dec 13, 2017 | December 14, 2017Dec 14, 2017 | WIE | The goal of this workshop series is to provide a forum for researchers, commercial Internet facilities and service providers, technologists, economists, theorists, policy makers, and other stakeholders to empirically inform emerging Internet regulatory and policy debates. Topics of interest:
10th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | November 20, 2017Nov 20, 2017 | November 20, 2017Nov 20, 2017 | CAIDA-WIDE | This workshop resumes a tradition of workshops supporting a collaboration between researchers from CAIDA (USA) and WIDE (Japan). The main focus of the Workshop will be on the design of future Internet measurements. |
IMAPS 2017: Conflict and Contention in the Digital Age | September 5, 2017Sep 5, 2017 | September 6, 2017Sep 6, 2017 | IMAPS | IMAPS is a workshop on interdisciplinary research of political events that affect the Internet and/or are partially visible through analysis of Internet measurement data. The theme of IMAPS this year is Conflict and Contention in the Digital Age. |
NDNcomm 2017: NDN Community Meeting | March 23, 2017Mar 23, 2017 | March 26, 2017Mar 26, 2017 | NDN | The Named Data Networking (NDN) Project’s third NDN community meeting (NDNcomm). |
8th NDN Retreat | March 22, 2017Mar 22, 2017 | March 22, 2017Mar 22, 2017 | NDN | The NDN Retreat is an opportunity to discuss the application environments, the NDN software platform and testbed, and focus on some specific areas such as security. |
AIMS 2017: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | March 1, 2017Mar 1, 2017 | March 3, 2017Mar 3, 2017 | AIMS | This year the focus of the workshop again will be on interaction and coordination between different existing measurement infrastructures. Topics of interest:
Additionally, we intend to devote some time to reviewing the recommendations dealing with the following five themes:
WIE 2016: 7th Workshop on Internet Economics | December 8, 2016Dec 8, 2016 | December 9, 2016Dec 9, 2016 | WIE | Topics of interest:
7th NDN Retreat | November 3, 2016Nov 3, 2016 | November 5, 2016Nov 5, 2016 | NDN | The NDN Retreat is an opportunity to discuss the application environments, the NDN software platform and testbed, and focus on some specific areas such as security. |
IMAPS 2016: Conflict and Contention in the Digital Age | September 7, 2016Sep 7, 2016 | September 8, 2016Sep 8, 2016 | IMAPS | The theme of IMAPS this year is Conflict and Contention in the Digital Age. |
6th NDN Retreat | March 20, 2016Mar 20, 2016 | March 23, 2016Mar 23, 2016 | NDN | The NDN Retreat is an opportunity to discuss the application environments, the NDN software platform and testbed, and focus on some specific areas such as security. |
AIMS 2016: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | February 10, 2016Feb 10, 2016 | February 12, 2016Feb 12, 2016 | AIMS | This year the focus of the workshop will be on interaction and coordination between different existing measurement infrastructures. Topics of interest:
BGP Hackathon 2016 | February 6, 2016Feb 6, 2016 | February 7, 2016Feb 7, 2016 | CAIDA | The theme of the hackathon is “live BGP measurements and monitoring.” |
WIE 2015: 6th Workshop on Internet Economics | December 16, 2015Dec 16, 2015 | December 17, 2015Dec 17, 2015 | WIE | Both current events and trends, as well as our past discussions, shape the themes for this year’s WIE. The FCC’s latest open Internet order changes the landscape of regulation by using Title II as a basis for Internet regulation. We prefer not to use this workshop to debate what the court will do. Instead, we hope to discuss issues that will arise if the courts uphold the law. What are the implications of Title II regulation for some of the issues we have looked at in the past, or which are now emerging as important factors in shaping the future of the Internet?
NDNcomm 2015: NDN Community Meeting | September 28, 2015Sep 28, 2015 | September 29, 2015Sep 29, 2015 | NDN / Collaboration | This two-day meeting provides an opportunity for the community to exchange research experience and results, to discuss the current state and future directions of the NDN architecture, and to identify remaining issues. |
AIMS 2015: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | March 31, 2015Mar 31, 2015 | April 2, 2015Apr 2, 2015 | AIMS | We would like to structure this workshop around how the Archipelago Measurement Infrastructure (Ark) can (or is) supporting studies of Internet security and stability, vulnerabilities, scientific topology modeling and mapping, Internet architecture and evolution, and others. This workshop will serve as a forum for a researchers to provide feedback on what measurements, capabilities, data formats, and curation functionalities would be most helpful to answer specific research questions. We can then customize and enhance Ark measurements, data curation, and the query interface to support study of those questions. |
WIE 2014: 5th Workshop on Internet Economics | December 10, 2014Dec 10, 2014 | December 11, 2014Dec 11, 2014 | WIE | We have picked some specific topics for this meeting, based on the interests of the participants and a sense of what is important right now, but we want as well to see if we can take a fundamental look at the issues that may shape the future. The discussions of this workshop tend to center on means–for example, how could one craft a network neutrality regulation. But neutrality is not a fundamental goal, it is a tool to prevent a set of harms. Understanding what these harms are is a better starting point for a long-range discussion. |
IMAPS: Network Outages | October 1, 2014Oct 1, 2014 | October 1, 2014Oct 1, 2014 | IMAPS | Participants viewed a demonstration and discussed CAIDA’s current data analysis platform for the exploration of historical and realtime Internet measurement data (named “Charthouse”), and possible extensions of the platform to support political science research related to macroscopic Internet outages. |
NDNcomm 2014: NDN Community Meeting | September 4, 2014Sep 4, 2014 | September 5, 2014Sep 5, 2014 | NDN / Collaboration | The first NDNcomm meeting: an opportunity to discuss existing capabilities and potential opportunities for the NDN software platform to serve the scientific research community. |
Mini-Workshop on Topology, BGP and Traceroute Data | May 22, 2014May 22, 2014 | May 23, 2014May 23, 2014 | CAIDA | A mini-workshop to discuss complex AS relationship inferences, outage detections using BGP data, traceroute, IPv6 topology, and other research topics. |
CREDS II: Cyber-security Research Ethics Dialog & Strategy Workshop | May 17, 2014May 17, 2014 | May 17, 2014May 17, 2014 | CREDS | This workshop anchors off of discussions, themes, and momentum generated from the inaugural CREDS 2013 workshop. Specifically, it targets the shifting roles, responsibilities, and relationships between Researchers, Ethical Review Boards, Government Agencies, Professional Societies, and Program Committees in incentivizing and overseeing ethical research. Its objective is to spawn dialogue and practicable solutions around the following proposition: Building a more effective research ethics culture is a prerequisite for balancing research innovation (i.e., academic freedom, reduced burdens and ambiguities) with public trust (i.e., respect for privacy and confidentiality, accountability, data quality), so we explore the pillars of such a culture as well as the strategies that might be adopted to incorporate them into research operations. |
AIMS 2014: Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | March 26, 2014Mar 26, 2014 | March 27, 2014Mar 27, 2014 | AIMS | This year, we want to explore existing capabilities and potential opportunities for network measurement in the wireless domain, and research infrastructure to support it. One motivation is the increasing attention to measuring the character of broadband access, including the U.S. FCC Measuring Broadband America effort (for both wireline and wireless connectivity). The more complex structure of cellular access, with its signalling protocols and potential to shape different sorts of application traffic, makes it harder to decide what to measure in order to characterize or compare wireless service. Our goals for this two day workshop are: (1) to understand the wireless research infrastructure landscape(s), and measurement capabilities that support (or should support) it; (2) to determine what are the important questions that measurement can help answer who will be the customer for the measurements; and (3) to propose a vision/roadmap for wireless measurement research infrastructure and activities for the next decade. |
WIE 2013: 4th Workshop on Internet Economics: Economic health of the Internet ecosystem | December 12, 2013Dec 12, 2013 | December 13, 2013Dec 13, 2013 | WIE | We are proposing a general theme of “The economic health of the Internet ecosystem”. The Internet ecosystem (or more particularly the consumer-centered part of the ecosystem) derives income from consumer spend on access and applications/content, and from advertising. We are interested in how these moneys flow into the various parts of the ecosystem, and how they sustain investments and innovations. |
4th NDN Retreat | November 12, 2013Nov 12, 2013 | November 13, 2013Nov 13, 2013 | NDN | The NDN Retreat is an opportunity to discuss the application environments, the NDN software platform and testbed, and focus on some specific areas such as security. |
DANCES: UCSD Complex Network Seminar - Different Angles on Network Complexity, Engineering, and Science | October 1, 2010Oct 1, 2010 | October 1, 2013Oct 1, 2013 | DANCES | From 2010 to 2013, the DANCES seminar hosted interdisciplinary talks on large networks. Past speakers include senior and junior researchers, postdocs, and graduate students from physics, mathematics, computer science and electrical engineering, biology and bioengineering, sociology, cognitive and political sciences. |
NetGeo: Network Geometry Workshop | July 29, 2013Jul 29, 2013 | August 2, 2013Aug 2, 2013 | NetGeo | This workshop brings together a small group of invited researchers to discuss their collaborative work-in-progress and future research directions. |
CREDS: Cyber-security Research Ethics Dialog & Strategy Workshop | May 23, 2013May 23, 2013 | May 23, 2013May 23, 2013 | CREDS | This workshop is anchored around the theme of “ethics-by-design”, and aims to:
AIMS-5: ISMA - 5th Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | February 6, 2013Feb 6, 2013 | February 8, 2013Feb 8, 2013 | ISMA / AIMS | The workshop focus this year is on creating, managing, and analyzing annotations of very large longitudinal active Internet measurement data sets (“big data”, O(TB) over several years). Due to popular demand, we also dedicate half a day to large-scale active measurement (performance/topology) from mobile/cellular devices. |
WIE 2012: 3rd Workshop on Internet Economics: Definitions and Data | December 12, 2012Dec 12, 2012 | December 13, 2012Dec 13, 2012 | WIE | The theme for this WIE is “Definitions and Data”, motivated by our sense that many of the debates today about effective regulation are clouded by lack of clarity about terms and concepts, and lack of real information about the current state of the communications infrastructure. |
ISC/CAIDA Data Collaboration Workshop | October 22, 2012Oct 22, 2012 | October 22, 2012Oct 22, 2012 | ISC / Collaboration | Topics of discussion:
3rd NDN Retreat | October 11, 2012Oct 11, 2012 | October 12, 2012Oct 12, 2012 | NDN | The NDN Retreat is an opportunity to discuss the application environments, the NDN software platform and testbed, and focus on some specific areas such as security. |
5th CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI Workshop | August 1, 2012Aug 1, 2012 | August 2, 2012Aug 2, 2012 | CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI / Collaboration | The main focus of the Workshop will be on the design of future Internet measurements. Participants will discuss how to enable coherent analysis of diverse Internet datasets in order to identify and discover relevant Internet trends. |
DUST: 1st International Workshop on Darkspace and UnSolicited Traffic Analysis | May 14, 2012May 14, 2012 | May 15, 2012May 15, 2012 | DUST | The goal of the DUST workshop series is to bring together researchers, operators, and analysts interested in unsolicited traffic analysis, especially traffic destined to unassigned (dark) IP address space. IP darkspaces are global routable address spaces that contain no active hosts. All traffic to an IP darkspace is unsolicited and unidirectional. Observing and analyzing darkspace traffic has helped detect and analyze global incidents such as scannning, DDoS attacks, network outages and misconfigurations. |
AIMS-4: ISMA - 4th Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | February 9, 2012Feb 9, 2012 | February 11, 2012Feb 11, 2012 | ISMA / AIMS | This year we will focus primarily on two topics: broadband performance measurements and IPv6-related measurements. |
4th CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI Workshop | December 5, 2011Dec 5, 2011 | December 5, 2011Dec 5, 2011 | CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI / Collaboration | The main focus of the Workshop will be on the design of future Internet measurements. Participants will discuss how to promote coherent analysis of diverse Internet datasets in order to identify and discover relevant Internet trends. |
WIE 2011: 2nd Workshop on Internet Economics | December 1, 2011Dec 1, 2011 | December 2, 2011Dec 2, 2011 | WIE | Topics of interest for this workshop series include the economic drivers and effects of:
BGP 2011: CAIDA Workshop on BGP and Traceroute data | August 22, 2011Aug 22, 2011 | August 22, 2011Aug 22, 2011 | CAIDA | The workshop discussions will focus on scalable measurement instrumentation, and data archiving/querying for traceroute and bgp data. Sample topics to discuss: what sort of functionality would make it easier to compare traceroute-observable paths with bgp-observable paths; using bgp-paths to improve the interpretation of traceroute-paths either in real-time or for large-scale topology mapping; annotations for topology maps; correlation of traceroute-observable performance data (coarse as it is) with bgp-dynamics/behavior; using BGP data to support detection/mapping of occurrences of hijacking, filtering, spoofability, censorship, ECN support, integrity of infrastructure, etc. |
CAIDA Workshop on Network Telescopes | March 22, 2011Mar 22, 2011 | March 22, 2011Mar 22, 2011 | CAIDA | Common themes of the discussions included:
AIMS-3: ISMA - 3rd Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | February 9, 2011Feb 9, 2011 | February 11, 2011Feb 11, 2011 | ISMA / AIMS | Topics of discussion:
CAIDA-UCY: Workshop on Network Geometry | January 11, 2011Jan 11, 2011 | January 13, 2011Jan 13, 2011 | CAIDA/UCY | The Network Geometry workshop focused on the following topics:
3rd CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI Workshop | April 24, 2010Apr 24, 2010 | April 25, 2010Apr 25, 2010 | CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI / Collaboration | The main focus of the Workshop will be on the design of future Internet measurements. Participants will discuss how to promote coherent analysis of diverse Internet datasets in order to identify and discover relevant Internet trends. |
ISMA 2010 AIMS: 2nd Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | February 8, 2010Feb 8, 2010 | February 10, 2010Feb 10, 2010 | ISMA / AIMS | Topics of discussion:
WIE 2009: 1st Workshop on Internet Economics | September 23, 2009Sep 23, 2009 | September 23, 2009Sep 23, 2009 | WIE | Topics of discussion:
2nd CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI Workshop | April 4, 2009Apr 4, 2009 | April 5, 2009Apr 5, 2009 | CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI / Collaboration | The main focus of the Workshop will be on the design of future Internet measurements. Participants will discuss how to promote coherent analysis of diverse Internet datasets in order to identify and discover relevant Internet trends. |
ISMA 2009 AIMS: 1st Workshop on Active Internet Measurements | February 12, 2009Feb 12, 2009 | February 13, 2009Feb 13, 2009 | ISMA / AIMS | This workshop sought to define priority directions of various active measurement infrastructures especially aimed at macroscopic security, stability, and performance measurements. Topics of specific interest included:
1st CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI Workshop | August 15, 2008Aug 15, 2008 | August 16, 2008Aug 16, 2008 | CAIDA-WIDE-CASFI / Collaboration | This Workshop opens up a new series of CAIDA workshops as it supports a three-way collaboration between researchers from CAIDA (USA), WIDE (Japan) and CASFI (South Korea). The main areas of the Workshop are: Internet measurement projects, analysis of data to reveal current Internet trends, and DNS research. The Workshop will also cover miscellaneous research and technical topics of mutual interest for CAIDA, WIDE and CASFI participants. |
SFI 2008: Workshop of Networks and Navigation | August 4, 2008Aug 4, 2008 | August 6, 2008Aug 6, 2008 | SFI / Collaboration | A deeper understanding of the origin of these locally-navigable complex networks would (1) clarify the role (if any) that latent metric spaces play in the navigability of networks, and potentially point to novel generative mechanisms based on such spaces, (2) point us toward novel routing algorithms and search protocols for Internet-like topologies, other communication networks, and possibly social networks, (3) shed light on the potentially different behavior of passive versus active spreading on these networks, i.e., diffusion versus search, (4) identify the relationship between navigability and other network properties, e.g., community structure, degree heterogeneity, etc. |
CAIDA-WIDE 2008: 9th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | January 19, 2008Jan 19, 2008 | January 20, 2008Jan 20, 2008 | CAIDA-WIDE | This workshop focused on preparation for the third worldwide DITL experiment conducted by CAIDA, WIDE, and the DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center (OARC). |
DNS-OARC 3: 3rd DNS-OARC Workshop | November 2, 2007Nov 2, 2007 | November 3, 2007Nov 3, 2007 | DNS-OARC / Collaboration | The focus of this workshop was on:
CAIDA-WIDE 2007: 8th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | July 20, 2007Jul 20, 2007 | July 21, 2007Jul 21, 2007 | CAIDA-WIDE | The main areas of the Workshop were: Internet measurement projects and DNS. It also covered miscellaneous research and technical topics of mutual interest for CAIDA and WIDE participants. |
DCC: DatCat Community Contribution (DCC) Workshop | March 12, 2007Mar 12, 2007 | March 14, 2007Mar 14, 2007 | DCC | Because researchers have scarce time to put towards making data available, we have created this workshop series to provide community members with the resources they need to contribute data to the Internet Measurement Data Catalog (DatCat). CAIDA staff familiar with DatCat will provide an introduction to the catalog architecture and contribution interface and then will assist researchers with generating and indexing metadata for their datasets in DatCat. |
COMMONS: COMMONS Workshop | December 12, 2006Dec 12, 2006 | December 13, 2006Dec 13, 2006 | COMMONS | CAIDA and Cisco launched a new initiative to peer community and municipal networks utilizing national and regional fiber backbones. The COMMONS Project is a collaboration that provides a platform for Internet researchers to study this critical infrastructure as well as a low-cost medium for networks to peer with one-another. |
DNS-OARC 2: 2nd DNS-OARC Workshop | November 16, 2006Nov 16, 2006 | November 17, 2006Nov 17, 2006 | DNS-OARC / Collaboration | The focus of this workshop was on:
SDSC Talk: Building the next generation Internet architecture in Canada | November 9, 2006Nov 9, 2006 | November 9, 2006Nov 9, 2006 | Collaboration | A lecture by Bill St. Arnaud of CANARIE on the topic Building the Next Generation Internet Architecture in Canada, at SDSC Auditorium on the UCSD campus. |
7th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | November 3, 2006Nov 3, 2006 | November 4, 2006Nov 4, 2006 | CAIDA-WIDE | The main areas of the Workshop are: IPv6/IPv4 topology studies and DNS. |
ISMA - Workshop on the Internet Topology (WIT) | May 10, 2006May 10, 2006 | May 12, 2006May 12, 2006 | ISMA / WIT | By bringing together a group of researchers spanning the areas of computer science, physics, and the mathematical sciences, the workshop aimed to improve communication across these scientific disciplines, enable interdisciplinary crossfertilization, identify commonalities in the different approaches, promote synergy where it exists, and utilize the richness that results from exploring similar problems from multiple perspectives. |
6th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | March 17, 2006Mar 17, 2006 | March 18, 2006Mar 18, 2006 | CAIDA-WIDE | The Workshop covered three main areas: DNS, IPv6, and BGP, as well as miscellaneous research and technical topics of mutual interest for CAIDA and WIDE participants. |
1st DNS-OARC workshop | July 25, 2005Jul 25, 2005 | July 26, 2005Jul 26, 2005 | DNS-OARC / Collaboration | The focus of this Workshop is on the current status and future directions of DNS-related Internet measurements and research. |
CONMI: Workshop on Community Oriented Network Measurement Infrastructure | March 30, 2005Mar 30, 2005 | March 30, 2005Mar 30, 2005 | CONMI / Collaboration | Internet research critically depends on measurement, but effective Internet measurement raises some big issues. There is increasing awareness that the size and scope of the Internet calls for large scale distributed network measurement. However to be viable, large scale measurement must overcome a number of challenges. Passive measurement raises significant privacy issues. And active measurement raises serious concerns about network impact. This workshop will bring together key members of the Internet measurement community in an attempt to explore a community-oriented approach to these problems. |
5th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | March 11, 2005Mar 11, 2005 | March 12, 2005Mar 12, 2005 | CAIDA-WIDE | The Workshop will cover three main areas: DNS, IPv6, and BGP, as well as miscellaneous research and technical topics of mutual interest for CAIDA and WIDE participants. |
4th CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | August 6, 2004Aug 6, 2004 | August 7, 2004Aug 7, 2004 | CAIDA-WIDE | The main areas of the Workshop are: IPv6/IPv4 topology studies and DNS. |
ISMA - Workshop on Internet Signal Processing (WISP) | November 11, 2004Nov 11, 2004 | November 11, 2004Nov 11, 2004 | ISMA | The goal of the workshop was to explore opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration and cross-pollination through the application of novel analytic techniques to a variety of challenging networking problems. |
ISMA - Data Catalog | June 3, 2004Jun 3, 2004 | June 3, 2004Jun 3, 2004 | ISMA | A workshop to discuss the Internet Measurement Data Catalog (IMDC). |
3rd CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | April 22, 2004Apr 22, 2004 | April 23, 2004Apr 23, 2004 | CAIDA-WIDE | The main areas of the Workshop are: IPv6/IPv4 topology studies and DNS. |
ISMA - Program Development | February 11, 2004Feb 11, 2004 | February 12, 2004Feb 12, 2004 | ISMA | This is an interim workshop to show progress so far and to get feedback on the directions taken in Internet measurement. |
ISMA - Bandwidth Estimation Workshop (BEst) | December 9, 2003Dec 9, 2003 | December 10, 2003Dec 10, 2003 | ISMA / BEst | This workshop brought together the most active researchers in the field, as well as some operational networking experts (e.g., from CableLabs), to discuss a range of bandwidth estimation topics, from terminology and metrics definition issues to future research and development priorities in banwidth estimation. |
2nd CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | November 7, 2003Nov 7, 2003 | November 7, 2003Nov 7, 2003 | CAIDA-WIDE | The second workshop covered three main areas: DNS, IPv6, and BGP. |
1st CAIDA-WIDE Workshop | March 21, 2003Mar 21, 2003 | March 21, 2003Mar 21, 2003 | CAIDA-WIDE | Topics of discussion:
ISMA - Multiresolution | October 7, 2002Oct 7, 2002 | October 11, 2002Oct 11, 2002 | ISMA | CAIDA and the Lorentz Center co-hosted an Internet Statistics and Metrics Analysis workshop concerning the multiresolution analysis of core routing tables and macroscopic topology data sets. Research Topics:
IEC - Internet Engineering Curriculum Networking Workshop | June 26, 2000Jun 26, 2000 | June 30, 2000Jun 30, 2000 | IEC | Topics covered include the TCP transport protocol, routing, the NS Simulator, and Internet Teaching Lab (ITL) exercises. |
IEC - Monitoring and Managing Networks: cflowd and RRDtool | September 29, 1999Sep 29, 1999 | September 30, 1999Sep 30, 1999 | IEC | This fall workshop is the second of a series of workshops that will highlight tools that are relevant in both academic and commercial arenas. |
IEC - Internet Engineering Curriculum Networking Workshop | August 11, 1999Aug 11, 1999 | August 13, 1999Aug 13, 1999 | IEC | The IEC workshop in August 1999 was the first of the series with 3 days of instruction with 2 parallel tracks; subsequent workshops will be a week long and include 7-8 different topics. Topics covered include Network Simulation, Routing, the TCP Transport Protocol, and Traffic Analysis |
GMI-Traffic #4: Internal meeting of the GMI3S-Traffic group | July 15, 2022Jul 15, 2022 | July 15, 2022Jul 15, 2022 | GMI-Traffic | Meeting goals:
GMI-Traffic #3: Internal meeting of the GMI3S-Traffic group | May 2, 2022May 2, 2022 | May 2, 2022May 2, 2022 | GMI-Traffic | Topics of discussion:
Participants discussed the value of CAIDA telescope data, why it is important, and opportunities to improve ease of access Participants discussed their darknet data needs.
GMI-BGP #2: Internal meeting of the GMI3S-BGP group | May 6, 2022May 6, 2022 | May 6, 2022May 6, 2022 | GMI-BGP | The goal of the meeting was to discuss BGP measurement efforts and collected metadata. Topics of discussion:
GMI-DNS #1: Internal meeting of the GMI3S-DNS group | May 24, 2022May 24, 2022 | May 24, 2022May 24, 2022 | GMI-DNS | The goal of the meeting was to solicit comments from DNS experts on the Domain Name System (DNS) section of the “Data Needs for Internet Security” document, a key deliverable of the MSRI-GMI3 project.
GMI-Traffic #2: Internal meeting of the GMI3S-Traffic group | April 8, 2022Apr 8, 2022 | April 8, 2022Apr 8, 2022 | GMI-Traffic | Topics of discussion:
GMI-BGP #1: Internal meeting of the GMI3S-BGP group | January 19, 2022Jan 19, 2022 | January 19, 2022Jan 19, 2022 | GMI-BGP | The goal of the meeting was to discuss BGP measurement efforts and collected metadata. This series of meetings is supported by two new CAIDA projects that seek to advance the state of BGP measurement: (1) CCRI ILANDS – creating new instrumentation to enable research combining traffic+BGP data (5-year NSF-funded project), and lower barriers to scientific research using both types of data; (2) NSF MSRI GMI3S – what data, tools and capabilities are needed to accelerate scientific research of Internet infrastructure security problems. Topic of discussion: Review existing data available, with focus on BGP:
GMI-Traffic #1: Internal meeting of the GMI3S-Traffic group | December 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021 | December 17, 2021Dec 17, 2021 | GMI-Traffic | Topics of Discussion:
GMI-DDOS #1: DDoS Characterization Working Group | November 17, 2022Nov 17, 2022 | November 17, 2022Nov 17, 2022 | GMI-DDOS | The goal of this workshop is to improve the state of measurements to support research on fundamental security problems. We’d like to explore the possibility of establishing a “DDoS characterization working group” – not only a forum to share research, data, tools, ideas, but also a forum to develop (if possible) some degree of consensus among scientific researchers on the state of the DDoS attack landscape (and at least discuss the grand challenge of mapping attacks to harms). This will require finding ways to join together different longitudinal datasets, which will hopefully also provide new insights and opportunities in studying the impact of DDoS attacks. |
GMI-DDOS #2: DDoS Characterization Working Group | December 15, 2022Dec 15, 2022 | December 15, 2022Dec 15, 2022 | GMI-DDOS | Meeting goals:
Topics of discussion:
GMI-DDOS #3: DDoS Characterization Working Group | January 19, 2023Jan 19, 2023 | January 19, 2023Jan 19, 2023 | GMI-DDOS | Meeting goals:
CAIDA/RouteViews Retreat | January 23, 2023Jan 23, 2023 | January 25, 2023Jan 25, 2023 | GMI-Retreat | Meeting goals:
AIMS-IYP Workshop 2023 (GMI-AIMS-1) | May 1, 2023May 1, 2023 | May 5, 2023May 5, 2023 | GMI / AIMS | Meeting goals:
GMI-AIMS-2 Community Workshop | October 30, 2023Oct 30, 2023 | November 3, 2023Nov 3, 2023 | GMI / AIMS | Meeting goals:
GMI-AIMS-3 Community Workshop | June 24, 2024Jun 24, 2024 | June 28, 2024Jun 28, 2024 | GMI / AIMS | Meeting goals:
GMI-AIMS-4 Community Workshop | November 7, 2024Nov 7, 2024 | November 7, 2024Nov 7, 2024 | GMI / AIMS | Held the day after IMC in Madrid, the goal of the GMI-AIMS-4 workshop was to:
GMI-AIMS-5 Harkathon | February 8, 2025Feb 8, 2025 | February 9, 2025Feb 9, 2025 | GMI / AIMS | Ark-related hackathon event held before the GMI-AIMS-5 workshop. |
GMI-AIMS-5 Community Workshop | February 10, 2025Feb 10, 2025 | February 14, 2025Feb 14, 2025 | GMI / AIMS | Meeting goals:
Workshop by Series
Series | |
GMI | Meetings for the GMI3S design project |
AIMS | Workshop on Active Internet Measurements |
DUST | Darkspace and UnSolicited Traffic Analysis Workshops |
IMAPS | Internet Measurement And Political Science Workshops |
KISMET | Workshop on Knowledge of Internet Structure: Measurement, Epistemology, and Technology |
WIE | Workshops on Internet Economics |
Collaborative Workshops | Other workshops held in collaboration with other groups and agencies |